[LCK Spring Closing Assessments] Unlikely Rivals? KZ BDD and AFS Kuro’s battle for MVP

2 min readMar 28, 2018


Raw: http://www.dailyesports.com/view.php?ud=2018032723295473949

photo from DailyEsports

LCK chooses an MVP after every set. The reporters, staff, and commentators determine the most impressive player who contributed to the team’s win that game. The MVP points are a way to determine a player’s ability to carry his team. The more points you have, the more carry potential you have. There are two players who have clashed with each other for MVP points for the past two seasons. It is Kingzone DragonX’s mid laner BDD, and Afreeca Freec’s mid laner Kuro.

BDD and Kuro each earned 1300 MVP points during 2017 LCK Summer and were tied for first. For 2018 Spring, BDD came out ahead, taking first with 1100 MVP points. Kuro wasn’t left in the dust, however. Before BDD took 300 MVP points all by his lonesome during the last week, Kuro was tied for first with Jongik “Tusin” Park at 900 points.

For two seasons, BDD and Kuro shared first and second with their MVP points, carrying their teams using their own respective styles. BDD seems to focus on the fights themselves, while Kuro prefers to intervene during fights. During 2017 Summer, BDD picked team fight oriented champions like Orianna, Syndra, Galio, and Taliyah. Kuro preferred mobile champions such as Kassadin, Corki, Taliyah, and Galio.

2018 Spring season shows little difference in the player’s style. Kuro chose Galio, Corki, Azir, and Taliyah, and BDD stuck with Ryze, Azir, Taliyah, and Galio. It is also worth noting that Kuro didn’t play Ryze, while BDD hasn’t touched a Corki.

Thanks to BDD and Kuro, their teams Kingzone and Afreeca have taken first and second respectively during the regular season. It is possible that they will meet during finals. If they do, the battle at the mid lane would be a point worth watching.



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