Chanel’s post TWT review (Q&A with chat) feat. Knee
(First hour of stream)
1. Check it out! Subscribe >>twich = chanel87 (13.44)
The sign with my Twitch channel? I just got sudden inspiration earlier that day, when I was thinking about what kind of ceremony to do. I drew it on the back of the (sub-zero) poster they gave away for the people who came to the tournament. It’s just a printed sheet.
2. Chanel’s allegiance problems (14:52)
(Chanel fixing his horn headband that keeps slipping down) Gotta fix this somehow… no wait, the problem with wearing these things in a tournament is that I play Alisa, Eliza, and Julia, right? The people who main them all have intense pride. Like Alisa mains have so much Alisa pride, and Eliza mains and Julia mains too — so much pride in their character. So when I go to a tournament like this, it’s my third time hearing it now — they tell me that I’m a traitor! So I ask “why am I a traitor?” and they’re like, “you’re a traitor who left Eliza.” what the heck, man? I just say ok and move along. And then Cuddlecore comes by, and she’s like, “what’s your main character?” So I tell her “Alisa.” and then she says “no, Alisa’s not your main.” “Why?” “because you play too much other characters.” What am I supposed to say to that? I just shake my head and tell her no. But the Julia players don’t mark me as a traitor, they’re all just going, “Thank you spirits!”
Knee: “They call you traitor?”
Chanel: “Yeah! Because I didn’t pick Eliza!”
Knee: “I heard booing because I picked Geese.”
Chanel: “Yeah, you sold your soul! Knee will have a full recap on his Afreeca when he gets back. He has a lot to say. A lot went down during the week we were here.”
3. USA and betting (17:27)
Chanel: Dude, the Americans have the best showmanship. You really feel like playing Tekken in America.
Knee: American tournaments are the most fun to play at
Chanel: For sure. When Knee’s playing at his seat, the come up behind him and start betting money. Pokchop comes up behind and starts going @#$@$! (Unintelligible noises as he bounces up and down in his seat) and he gets a dollar every time Knee wins, and gives a dollar every time Knee loses. We were eating with Sholla earlier, and he told us that when JDCR and Knee were playing earlier, almost everyone was betting money on JDCR, but he and Pokchop bet on Knee. He showed us a stack of bills and told us that they were loaded now thanks to us! They bought us food with that! Pokchop’s the funniest.
Knee: I swear, American tourneys are the best.
4. Coach Chanel (19:15)
When I got into Ro16, my goal was to just make it to TOP 8. I wanted to get on the main stage, and I did. I’m satisfied with getting to the main stage. More than me winning, I want Knee to win. I’m telling you, they don’t call me Coach Chanel for nothing. No guys, hear me out! My job is harder! I gotta make it to TOP 8, and then I have to take care of Knee on top of that! I gotta be his practice partner and stuff! The problem is that I can’t really help him practice because I just lose instantly. I’m just a warmup for his hands.
5. Knee sells his soul ft. USA chants (20:30)
Chanel: Dude, I was too scared of all those Americans to cheer for Koreans. I just went with the flow and chanted USA. I see Knee losing, welp, still gotta chant USA!
Knee: At the finals, Chanel didn’t tell me to switch to Paul, he told me to just play Geese,
Chanel: Yeah, I just said ‘Fuck it man, just play Geese!’
Knee: I heard him and thought to myself — ‘I’m not gonna sell my soul again.’
Chanel: The story’s kinda long on why you gotta play Paul and why you gotta play Geese. Knee’s afreeca stream will cover it, right Knee?
Knee: The TL:DR on that is just ‘I didn’t sell my soul’
(Cont 21:30)
Chanel: (after Knee leaves) Yo, even if you sell half your soul, you sold your soul. If you went to the restroom, doesn’t matter what business you did there, you went to the restroom. He sold his soul.
Knee: I sold my soul and won.
Chanel: I sold my soul to Julia too! But the tourney went well because we sold our souls. Julia did everything! I didn’t even have to play Alisa much.
Knee: When I picked Geese, the crowd just started booing! (Chanel: Booooo)
Chanel: They cheered for me! (weird flex but ok) I only played Alisa 3 times in this tournament — the JDCR match and the Cuddlecore match. I played Eliza 2 times. Everything else was Julia.
6. Knee winged it with Paul but didn’t wing it with Kazuya (22:33)
Knee: Guys, look at the size of this Arizona tea — its so big! Holy crap, it’s 3.78 Liters!
Chanel: Knee didn’t play Paul all the way until the grand finals. Paul wasn’t on his plans at all! No combo practice or anything like that. Even back in Korea, he hadn’t played Paul in a while, and we didn’t even touch Paul after we came to America. Knee literally just winged it. We just practiced Geese, DVJ, and Steve. It was a little nerve wracking, but hey, it worked. It’s definitely Knee’s special Jack-7 counter now.
Knee: Anakin played so good, ah…
Chanel: I was reminded of Anakin at 6BR. 6BR Anakin played like that. The Kazuya pick? He already told me that if Geese didn’t work out vs. Rangchu, he would play Kazuya. I believed in Knee all the way. Even though he was down 2 rounds. Tekken is a game full of miracles. You never know with tournaments. It has nothing to do with your ranks. Also, keep it in mind — Knee never throws a game. Even if the rounds look free. Knee never throws.
Full story of character change (35:33)
What did I say when Knee was down 0:2 vs Anakin?
Ok, so this is a bit of a story. Earlier in the morning, we were practicing DVJ at the hotel — but Knee wasn’t playing it that well. He was melting against my Julia! Knee told me too, that he didn’t think he should play DVJ today. Then, he goes off and picks DVJ! So when he’s losing 0:1, I called to him — “Knee!” but you can’t hear that — the crowd is so freaking loud! Plus, Knee is wearing a headset so it’s all muffled. I wanted to run on stage but that’s not good manners, you know? So I just waved my hands really crazily when the camera came to me. Then Knee lost again, so I actually went up there and poked Knee in the butt with my phone. I said “Fuck man, just play Geese!” Knee turns, looks at me, and locks in Paul. The thing about Paul is that he literally did not play Paul for over a week. Didn’t play him in ranked, didn’t play him in player matches, didn’t even practice his combos! Still, I guess it went well since Knee used to bash all those Jacks with Pauls.
When Anakin tied it up to the final final round too, after the reset and everything, Knee chose Dragon’s Nest once and lost — I went to him again while Anakin was out of his seat, and I told him to choose Mishima Dojo. It’s one of the most standard stages with the combo range and everything.
Chat: Why didn’t Knee pick the Jungle map?
Choosing maps works both ways — what are you going to do if the opponent uses the map against you? If Jack breaks both walls, the map becomes exponentially wide. What are you going to do then? You it’s better to make it fair for both sides. I know that streamer next door (Justice) loves all those breakable walls, but he doesn’t realize that he loses just as much because of the balcony and wall. That’s the skill difference (flips hair — rip Justice).
7. Ricksteezy vs Knee — moments with Bryan (25:30)
(Unfamiliar with Akuma moves so bear with me if I’m wrong on command names)
When Knee said he would play Bryan against Akuma, I mean, that was fine since he’s not bad vs Akuma… but he almost lost you know, he just kept trying to (does Bryan taunt motions) just make this work (more Bryan taunt motions) and I was just thinking ‘fffuuuuuu’ (Knee laughs in background) He almost let a comeback happen because of him trying to taunt combo!
The situation with the rage drive? (
No, he didn’t dodge with an Ashura Senku. Knee thought it was a messed up command for EX Shoryuken that ended up being a EX Zanku Hadoken, but when I asked Rickstah after, he said he meant to use it. It ended up being a really good choice, since Akuma takes a step back and leaves room on the hitbox. This isn’t an all powerful move though. If you guys remember from my stream, Geese’s EX Reppuken sometimes beats out Akuma’s EX fireball. Akuma uses the fireball then gets blown away, but Geese doesn’t take any damage. Eliza just gets hit by the fireball since she’s a garbage character. Don’t compare her to those OP characters. Geese’s EX Reppuken is the best one — but even that, you can get through it with a powercrush timed really well. But anyway, the Akuma repositioned his hitbox that way. Knee looked really thrown off by that.
8. Closing thoughts on Geese (1:16:45)
Whatever the case, Knee’s Geese was perfect timing — got in there before the nerf and got some results. But even if they nerf Geese, I think he’ll still be a strong character. Geese has that aura of a strong character about him.
Knee: I learned a lot by playing with Arslan and Chikurin.
Chanel: I told you to give him a bow next time you see him. Every opponent eventually becomes your teacher.
Knee: I learned how to play Geese from him. You learn the playstyle by playing against someone — you know too, right? That feeling of ‘oh, so that’s how you play that character.’
Chanel: On the surface, it’s just ‘Arslan just blocks well and hits well.’ but if you actually play him? He’s really difficult to play against. When Knee first lost against Arslan, I asked “hey, why did you lose? He seemed winnable.” and Knee told me “It’s different when you’re actually playing against him.” And I did in EVO Japan and lost. I got annoyed and just studied him all the way to the Saudi Arabia invitational and beat him. Arslan wanted to play a FT10 against me after that, but I told him no. I’m not a marathon runner! I’m a sprinter and that’s why I love team matches in Tekken. I just have to win a match each in team games! That’s why I think my record right now is unbelievable. The longest deathmatch I had was against Ji3MoonAce. I think we played almost 10 hours. We started at 8PM and the death ended at 5AM the next day.